The life & times of Caroline Tru & Ava Claire Wilcox as observed and enjoyed by their mother, Angela.

Began on June 1, 2009 at age three to chronicle for them - and for those who love them - all of their everyday (and not-so-everyday) activities, milestones and life experiences.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Oh, my little Ava. Don't need much commentary here, except perhaps it's time to move her away from the window. If I had room I probably would. When we had bottles, it was common to find three or four lined up in the window behind the blind...not, of course, until I spent days looking for the missing bottles and convincing myself I was going crazy. The window is much cleaner now too since she can't "clean" it with milk. It's a good thing I always check in on them before I go to bed. No telling how she and the blind would have fared the night.

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