The life & times of Caroline Tru & Ava Claire Wilcox as observed and enjoyed by their mother, Angela.

Began on June 1, 2009 at age three to chronicle for them - and for those who love them - all of their everyday (and not-so-everyday) activities, milestones and life experiences.

Monday, June 1, 2009

First Posting...Here We Go!!

So I'm finally ready to get this thing up and going. I promised myself, and my girls, THREE years ago when they were born that I'd stay up to date on chronicling their life experiences and milestones. My hope is that this blog will one day serve as a wonderful gift to them when they want to know what they were like, and what life was like, in their formative years. Well...better late than never.

My goal is to post funny, momentous, important, interesting, and even mundane things about Ava and Caroline as they mature and tackle the crazy journey of life. For those who love them, I hope it helps to give you a glimpse into their daily life as well as what exciting challenges they might be facing at the moment. It's hard to recap all of their crazy antics to everyone individually as my memory, brainpower (and time) has substantially diminished since giving twin-mommy friend coined it "momnesia," which describes it perfectly. So I hope this electronic journal of their lives helps you stay close to them and us in spirit, while giving me a tool to jot down their latest clever observations, toddler speak, achievements, and pictures on the spur of the moment.

To those of you who check in and read these posts: Enjoy and please feel free to post your own comments to add to the record. To my ladybugs: I love you with all my heart and I hope you one day read and enjoy this transcript of your lives and realize how truly wonderful, unique and blessed you both are to have each other, as I am blessed to have you! xoxo, Mommy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Ang, Caroline and Ava,
This is a great idea and will be a terrific way to chronicle those things in life that are not always remembered until many years later under reflection. I love you all an wish that Aunt Stephanie and I could spend more time with you as you grow. We miss you and think of you often. All my love,
Uncle Darin