The life & times of Caroline Tru & Ava Claire Wilcox as observed and enjoyed by their mother, Angela.

Began on June 1, 2009 at age three to chronicle for them - and for those who love them - all of their everyday (and not-so-everyday) activities, milestones and life experiences.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

All About Caroline

So it wouldn't be fair to do a post for Ava's day at school without mentioning Caroline's big day. Her day at preschool was back on October 27th. She got to bring snacks for all her friends and bring a poster with pictures all about her. I didn't get a picture of the poster before she took it to class, but here's a slide show of all the pictures from it. I could only choose thirty and I tried to find the ones that gave a little history, but let her latest personality and interests shine through.

How cool is that?!

If there's one thing this excercise taught me, it's that I have literally THOUSANDS of pictures of these two little angels and hardly any organization to them. Technology is indeed a wonderful thing, but it does have its drawbacks. I did, however, get to reminisce on the last three plus years and see exactly how much they've grown and how far they've come from their precarious beginning. It seems like yesterday that they were in the NICU and hardly big enough to fit in clothes that weren't made for dolls.

Just about to start the presentation
(by the way, that's the 'flowey' top she was wearing when she almost burned the house down)

Dad enjoying circle time with the kids.

1 comment:

Cortney said...

So cute. Those earlier pictures of Caroline are to die for. I could look at them all day.