The life & times of Caroline Tru & Ava Claire Wilcox as observed and enjoyed by their mother, Angela.

Began on June 1, 2009 at age three to chronicle for them - and for those who love them - all of their everyday (and not-so-everyday) activities, milestones and life experiences.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

All About Ava

It was Ava's day at preschool today. We brought snacks for her friends and she got to bring a poster with pictures that portrayed all of her memorable life moments, activities she enjoys and just the things that make her so damn cute.

She has been super excited about her day since Caroline had her day in October. Finally enough naps had gone by to be her day! (that's how they measure time these days) She did a great job talking in front of the class and was very thorough with her explanations. Good Job Ava!

Some more cute (and sad) Ava isms this week include this little gem: Yesterday when I was getting Ava dressed for school she sadly said, "When you're mad Mommy you don't love us anymore." Of course my heart sank. It was odd too since the morning was going along really well and we were all happy. I immediately stopped what I was doing and got at her eye level and had a little heart to heart with her to reassure her that I never, ever stop loving her. And the heartbreaking thing is that I think she meant whenever I'm mad...regardless of why, with whom or what degree, i.e. mild frustration or taking a stern tone to get them to pay attention. But regardless, I will think twice, three times, and even four before I act.

That alone is enough to warrant a post, but it gets better. After she felt better she pointed to my eye and asked, "Why do you have bunny ears there Mommy?" It took a second for it to dawn on me what she was talking about and then I told her, "It's because your mommy is old, Honey."

Yep, her bunny ears are what most people call "crow's feet." And I did ask....she came up with that all on her own. Frankly, I prefer the term 'bunny ears'....but on someone else's face.

And Ava is getting lots and lots of hugs from Mommy these days. I love you, love you, love you Ava....ALWAYS.

1 comment:

Cortney said...

Oh Ava Claire, such a sweetheart she is. I'm sure she was adorable in front of the class sharing her pictures. I love the Elf idea, I heard a lot about it yesterday. I hope it continues to make them perfect angels that they are:)